December 2023: Nordic Events, Christmas Edition

Happy December and all that this month brings! This month I share both virtual events available to all and a few special events happening in the Los Angeles area that might be of interest to local readers.

Last month I shared the news of the arrival of Thomas Dambo TROLLS: Save the Humans to South Coast Botanic Garden on the Palos Verdes Peninsula, and since then, I’ve seen them for myself and the experience didn’t disappoint. Danish artist Thomas Dambo is considered the world’s leading recycle artist and is known internationally for his larger-than-life, folklore-inspired, whimsical troll sculptures made from reclaimed materials. I’ve been fascinated by Dambo’s work found around the world and was thrilled to be able to see it for myself now here in Southern California. I highly recommend a visit to see the collection of trolls on display through January 14, 2024.


On Saturday, December 2, the SWEA Los Angeles Christmas Fair returns after a few years’ hiatus, this time to Santa Monica, to celebrate Swedish heritage and Swedish food. Highlights include a diverse selection of Swedish vendors, Santa Claus ready to spread festive joy and listen to holiday wishes, Saint Lucia Celebrations, and Swedish delicacies such as Swedish pancakes, glögg, and baked goods.

The Norwegian Church in San Pedro hosts many Christmas events this time of year, the first of which is their annual Christmas Luncheon on Tuesday, December 5 (registration required). Visit their Facebook page for updates on Christmas events.

And finally, have you marked your calendars for the 25th anniversary of the Scandinavian Film Festival LA with BalticFilmExpo@SFFLA? The festival will be back at the Writers Guild Theater in Beverly Hills for two weekends in January 2024 (January 13 & 14 and 20 & 21) with films from Scandinavia and their Nordic neighbors. Details about the programming will be released soon.

Online book clubs continue to meet. Visit Nordic Book Club Meetings: December 2023 to see details about book selections and meeting dates for this month and into the new year.

What’s on your calendar for December?

Norwegian Television Julekalender: Snøfall (Premieres December 1)

Does your family understand Norwegian? Tune in to this Norwegian julekalender, a TV series doled out daily in 24 short episodes leading up to Christmas. Start with Season 1: “A wonderland full of magic and love. An orphan girl in a sad world. A secret portal separates them. Can Selma find the way?” Or jump ahead to Season 2: “Noah is 10 years old and has a very important Christmas wish, but what if the letter to Santa doesn’t arrive?”

Hallmark Christmas Movie: My Norwegian Holiday (Premieres December 1)

Hallmark Channel’s original Christmas movie My Norwegian Holiday premieres December 1. Grieving her grandmother’s death, JJ seeks dissertation inspiration. Henrik, drawn to her troll figurine, invites her to Bergen, Norway, to trace its origins.

Mindekirken’s Norwegian Language & Culture Program Winter Registration Opens (December 1)

Registration for Mindekirken’s Norwegian Language & Culture Program for the next trimester of classes (January – March 2024) is now ope. Each trimester, they offer a range of Norwegian classes for beginning learners to those that are more advanced, many of them online. Culture classes are designed to expand learners’ knowledge of traditional and contemporary Norwegian culture.

Scandinavian Fest: Virtual Holiday Market (Friday & Saturday, Dec. 1 & 2)

Scandinavian Fest: Virtual Holiday Market returns Friday, December 1, and Saturday, December 2, on Facebook. Scandinavian Fest brings Nordic shops and businesses from around the globe together in one online location. Join the Virtual Holiday Market to discover unique Nordic products, take advantage of discounts, and win giveaways. To participate, mark that you are “Going” or “Interested” in the event and then follow the Discussion tab on the event page for products, discounts and giveaways and shop Nordic by visiting or contacting the businesses. For more information, visit their website.

Exploring Møre og Romsdal Style Rosemaling (Sunday, Dec. 3, 1:00 p.m. CT, Free)

Come learn about the various examples of rosemaling from the area known as Mǿre og Romsdal Fylke (County) in Western Norway! Join Nancy Odalen, Vesterheim Gold Medalist and a recipient of one of the 2022-2023 Folk Art Residency grants, for a lively discussion about the rosemaling that was created within the county of Mǿre og Romsdal. Odalen will have examples from the Vesterheim Collection and from the museum in Romsdal.

A Swedish Meatball Dinner with Kristi Bissell (Thursday, Dec. 7, 1:00 p.m. CT)

A Swedish meatball dinner ticks every box for a winter meal: cozy and comforting, balanced and delicious! Join Kristi Bissell of the True North Kitchen blog for an afternoon demonstration of her dream meatball dinner menu – Swedish meatballs with a creamy gravy and lingonberries, an elegant celery root puree, and essential pickled cucumbers. Plus, learn the secrets of Kristi’s truly satisfying vegetarian meatball recipe, too! Whether you tackle the whole menu at once, or pull just a few of the recipes straight to your Christmas smörgåsbord, these are classic, fail safe recipes that will impress your loved ones this holiday season.

Norwegian Christmas Cookies Workshop (Saturday, Dec. 9, 1:00 p.m. ET)

Join Sunny Gandara of Arctic Grub to bake some of the most popular Norwegian Christmas cookies and to learn about the cookie evolution in Norway from the old times until today. Get your apron on and get in the Christmas spirit with this baking class! (And yes, you’ll be making krumkaker!) After registering and a few days ahead of the class, you will receive an email with the recipes so you can prepare if you’d like to bake along.

Online Cooking Class: Holiday Food (Monday, Dec. 11, 4:00 p.m. CT)

Join the Swedish American Museum for an online cooking class to learn how to make holiday food. You will receive the recipe in advance. You can then either cook alongside or watch and try later. This is an interactive Zoom so you will be able to ask questions.

Family Book Adventure: Now That Night is Near by Astrid Lindgren (Register by Dec. 16)

Beginning January 1 and available all month, join Vesterheim for this family-fun reading and outdoor adventure! Your family can be any combination of folks as long as there’s at least one adult to help navigate the online portion. Decorah schools librarian Shannon Horton will get you reading, thinking, creating, and even up and moving – indoors and out! A kit delivered right to your home contains supplies for book-reading, a fun craft, a snack, and a scavenger-hunt-type adventure.

Knit a Norwegian-Inspired Hat (Four Saturdays, January 6-27, 11:00 a.m.-12:30 p.m. CT)

Register by December 21 to join this online knitting class for intermediate knitters. Join Kate Running to learn how to work with two colors of yarn to make this patterned hat. Work with a Nordic-inspired motif and learn the cultural tradition of stranded knitting. Intermediate level, no colorwork experience necessary. Yarn is provided.  Students may choose to provide their own yarn to swap out with the yarn that is sent in the kit. A kit of materials including Strikkegarn yarn (a $40 value included in the cost of registration) will be shipped to your home. Enrollment Deadline: December 21.

Knitting Selbu Mittens (Three Sundays, January 7-21, 12:00-1:30 p.m. CT)

Register by December 21 to join this online knitting class for intermediate knitters. Dating back to 1857, Selbu mittens are one of the most iconic Norwegian garments. They have existed as currency, as souvenirs, and as a source of financial independence for women who had few options. In this intermediate knitting class, you will make a pair of Selbu mittens with live demonstrations as well as a prerecorded tutorial to reference on your own time. The instructor will discuss history, tips and tricks, and easy modifications as you knit a pattern inspired by pieces in the Vesterheim collection.

Which events or experiences look interesting to you?

 What I’ve Been Reading Lately (October 2023)

This was such an interesting diverse reading month for me which feels so satisfying. Of the four books I read, they were all different genres (autobiographical novel, crime thriller/supernatural horror, short story collection, and memoir). Two of them were books in translation (from France and Argentina) and the other two by voices that I don’t read very frequently (Indigenous and Muslim). This is all thanks to the #DiversityAcrossGenres reading challenge that pushes me to read diverse genres and perspectives. Sadly, it’s to the detriment of my personal Nordic Literature Reading Challenge which I will have to revisit and revise for next year. Continue reading

November 2023: Nordic Events in SoCal and Virtually

This month I’m happy to share two very special Scandinavian events happening in the Southern California area plus an assortment of virtual Nordic events as well.

First, thank you to Karen at Copenhagen Pastry in Culver City for putting this experience on my radar: the outdoor exhibit Thomas Dambo TROLLS: Save the Humans at South Coast Botanic Garden in Palos Verdes Peninsula. I’ve been fascinated by Dambo’s work elsewhere and am thrilled to be able to see it for myself now here in Southern California.

Danish artist Thomas Dambo is considered the world’s leading recycle artist and is known internationally for his larger-than-life Troll sculptures made from recycled wood. His sculptures can be found all over the world (visit and now you can see six of them here in Southern California through January 14, 2024. “Thomas’ vision is to create art that inspires people to go explore, have adventures in nature, and demonstrates that trash can be turned into something beautiful.” Read more about the artist here.

Don’t forget, the Norwegian Church’s annual Christmas Fair takes place Friday, November 10, through Sunday, November 19, in San Pedro. Experience a Christmas atmosphere like no other with gifts for young and old, a bakery with Norwegian Christmas baked goods, a cafe with delicious food, and in addition, there will be raffles with great prizes.

And finally, a heads-up to readers interested in Vesterheim Folk Art School online classes in rosemaling and painting, Nordic cooking, weaving, jewelry, heritage and language, fiber arts, youth and family, and woodworking that registration will open November 10 for classes offered January through March. Classes are popular and spaces go fast, so don’t delay signing up if something interests you. View a PDF of the class list and get ready to register.

Online book clubs continue to meet. Visit Nordic Book Club Meetings: November 2023 to see details about book selections and meeting dates.

What’s on your calendar for November?

Intro to Finnish (Sunday, Nov. 5, 12:45 p.m. CT)

Are you curious about the Finnish language, but not ready yet to commit to a multi-date class? Are you looking for a quick and low-pressure way to get excited and prepare for an upcoming visit to Finland? This two-hour introductory workshop taught by Joona Sundström is the perfect way to get a feel for Finnish, pick up a bit of grammar, and learn how to pronounce some words as part of basic conversation.

Supporting Multilingualism (Wednesday, Nov. 8, 7:00 p.m. PT)

Join the Scandinavian School in San Francisco to learn tools for encouraging and strengthening the language at home. Focus will be on language learning of children and teens, but much of the information will be useful for adult learners as well. This seminar is built to serve also those who do not share the language their children are speaking – finding ways to support their child’s learning. After sharing some information, discussions will continue  in smaller facilitated groups – sharing tips, exploring language learning methods and finding ways to test our just gained knowledge of multilingualism in our day-to-day lives.

Nordic Wafers and Tarts with Kristi Bissell (Thursday, Nov. 9, 4:30 p.m. CT)

Bake along with Kristi as she makes Nordic Lemon Wafers and Scandinavian Almond Tarts (Sandbakkels). Kristi will also have some fun filling ideas for your almond tarts. This class is just what you need to kick off the holiday baking season! This Vesterheim cooking class is designed as a small-group cook-along. The class is currently sold out but you can join the waitlist.

Gift Guide Auction by The Norwegian American (November 10-20)

Beat the holiday rush and take some of the stress out of the Christmas season by shopping online with The Norwegian American at their Gift Guide Auction. Working with select vendors, they have tried to find something for everyone on your list: decorations, jewelry, books, clothing, treats, and more! Bidding will start on November 10 and end of November 20. All proceeds go to The Norwegian American. Are you a reader of The Norwegian American? If not, consider subscribing now.

Vesterheim Folk Art School Registration Opens (Friday, Nov. 10, 12:00 p.m. CT)

Registration for Vesterheim online classes in rosemaling and painting, Nordic cooking, weaving, jewelry, heritage and language, fiber arts, youth and family, and woodworking offered January through March will open November 10. Classes are popular and spaces go fast, so don’t delay signing up if something interests you. View a PDF of the class list and get ready to register.

Nordic Spirit Classics: Viking Age Roads to Power: King Harald Fairhair and the Control of Maritime Traffic in Western Norway (Friday, Nov. 10, 7:30 p.m., Free)

The Scandinavian American Cultural & Historical Foundation‘s Nordic Spirit Classics series continues with an online selection from the 2022 Nordic Spirit Symposium. For centuries, trade and traffic that passed through a narrow strait along the southwestern Norway coast, the “North Way,” was controlled by powerful princes and kings. The two speakers from western Norway will discuss the pre-Viking and Viking era of Avaldsnes and Haraldseid in western Norway, and one particularly powerful king, King Harald Fairhair. Contact to receive the Zoom link.

Vesterheim Filmprat: John, the Last Cowboy (Friday, Nov. 10, & Saturday, Nov. 11, Free)

In a twist on Vesterheim’s bokprat discussions, join in November for a screening and discussion of the film John, the Last Cowboy. The documentary is centered on 92-year-old John Hoiland as he manages his large ranch in Montana all by himself. Although wealthy people are lining up to buy his property, John’s wealth is not in the value of the ranch but rather in the freedom to work his own land. View the film via livestream on Friday night and then join the discussion on Saturday afternoon. If you can’t join online for the Friday night screening, you can pay a small fee to view the film on your own schedule on Vimeo.

Webinar: Exploring Viksdal Style Rosemaling (Sunday, Nov. 12, 1:00 p.m. CT, Free)

Viksdalmaling is not fanciful with Telemark scrolls and imaginative flowers but instead with twisted tongues, elongated teardrops, moons and circles, and plenty of crosses. Viksdalmaling is rich in symbolism and history, yet perhaps on the verge of extinction again. This presentation is about history, trade, design, color, and symbolism in Viksdal rosemaling. Viksdal design is about the clash between Viking ideology and Christianity. Come watch and learn about this little-known fascinating style of rosemaling.

Intro to Swedish (Sunday, Nov. 12, 1:00 p.m. CT)

Are you curious about the Swedish language, but not ready yet to commit to a multi-date class? Are you looking for a quick and low-pressure way to get excited and prepare for an upcoming visit to Sweden? This two-hour introductory workshop taught by Jean Hanslin is the perfect way to get a feel for Swedish, pick up a bit of grammar, and learn how to pronounce some words as part of basic conversation.

Cooking Class: Fish Dishes and Rulltårta (Monday, Nov. 13, 4:00 p.m. CT)

Join the Swedish American Museum for a cooking class to learn how to make fish dishes and rulltårta (Swiss roll). You will receive the recipe in advance. You can then either cook alongside or watch and try later. It is an interactive Zoom so you will be able to ask questions.

Knowing Selma Lagerlöf (Tuesday, Nov. 14, 6:30 p.m. CT)

Delve further into the life and accomplishments of Nobel prize winner Selma Lagerlöf with instructor Ingela Haaland. Learn how folk traditions helped form her writing style, discover her role in film production, and see how she received inspiration from travels far and wide in the world. Learn what lasting contributions Lagerlöf’s writing have made upon literature to this day.

Holiday Baking: Traditional Rømmebrød and Brune Pinner with Nevada Berg (Saturday, Nov. 18, 10:00 a.m. CT)

Join celebrated cook and author Nevada Berg in making some of Norway’s most beloved holiday treats – sour cream wafers and brown syrup cookies! Rømmebrød are thin and crisp sweet breads doused with sugar and cooked over a hot griddle, while brune pinner have a strong hint of syrup and cinnamon and a topping of sugar and almonds to accentuate every bite. Both of these last a good couple of weeks in a cookie tin – unless they’re eaten up beforehand! Come ready to learn, eat, and have fun! The class is currently sold out but you can join the waitlist.

Webinar: Making Folk Costumes: A History of Craftsmanship, Patience and the Love of Traditions (Sunday, Nov. 19, 11:00 a.m. CT, Free)

Join Barbro Tronhuus Storlien for a lecture on Norwegian folk costumes. Norway has a variety of more than 450 different folk costumes, and many of these have intricate embroideries. Many of the folk costumes are easily recognizable while others are more unknown. In this lecture, Storlien will talk about the differences and similarities between the Norwegian areas, show some of the techniques and raise the important question – how do we keep this knowledge alive for future generations?

Intro to Northern Sami (Sunday, Nov. 19, 2:00 p.m.)

Are you curious about the Sámi language and culture? Are you looking for a quick and low-pressure way to get excited and prepare for an upcoming visit to the north of Finland, Sweden, or Norway? This two-hour introductory workshop taught by Áila O’Loughlin is the perfect way to learn some history of the nine living dialects of Sápmi, get a feel for North Sámi, pick up a bit of grammar and learn how to pronounce some words as part of basic greetings. Families welcome!

Nordic Pizza Party with Patrice Johnson (Sunday, Nov. 19, 4:00 p.m. CT)

How does immigration influence the pizzas served in Norway and Sweden? Join us for an  evening of surprising tastes and fun twists on Nordic pizza. We’ll make our own dough, and then top it with the modern flavors of Scandinavia: kebab, banana curry, and filet-hollandaise. We’ll also toss a traditional pizza salad and shake up a couple of New Nordic-inspired beverages. This Vesterheim cooking class is designed as a small-group cook-along. Enrollment Deadline: November 5

Virtual Studio Visit with Ole Brodersen (Premiering Tuesday, Nov. 21, 2:00 p.m. CT)

Scandinavia House invites you to a virtual studio visit with Norwegian artist Ole Brodersen. Brodersen’s photographic practice focuses on landscapes and how they are affected by the forces of nature. A 12th-generation native of Lyngør — a car-free island off the coast of southeastern Norway — Ole’s heritage and experiences are deeply entangled with the sea. His father was a sailmaker; his grandfather was a sailor; as a child, Ole rowed to school, and as an adult, he circumnavigated the Atlantic in a pilot cutter built in 1894. This heritage influences and forms the basis for Ole’s pictorial experiments.

Genealogy Session: Forest Finn Ancestry (Saturday, Nov. 25, 10:00 a.m. CT)

This presentation by Robert Johnson begins with an overview of Forest Finns in Sweden and Norway, describing their migration, life, and acculturation into Swedish society. He will discuss ways to identify Forest Finn ancestry, including locational, documentary, and DNA. And finally, you will look at records specific to Forest Finn research.

Typiskt svenskt / Typical American Discussion (Wednesday, Nov. 29, 5:30 p.m. CT)

Gunn Edberg-Caldwell leads this fun, open discussion about the similarities and differences between Sweden and the United States. What do people generalize or assume about each country or culture? What can one learn from the other? Participants will compare and discover how different yet alike these two countries really are.

Sparkly Pewter Thread Earrings with Liz Bucheit (Wednesday, Nov. 29, 6:00 p.m. CT)

Explore a new “twist” on a traditional craft! Using pewter wire thread and a macramé style weave, students will create a pair of hoop earrings with a silver drop and sterling silver French hook ear wires. Finished hoops are approximately 1 inch in diameter and display a soft shimmery sparkle in sunlight and candle light. No previous experience is necessary, but a willingness to use hand tools is required. Enrollment Deadline: November 15

Looking Ahead to December

(Enrollment deadlines are in November; spots are still available as of publication date.)

Scandinavian Fest: Virtual Holiday Market (Friday & Saturday, Dec. 1 & 2)

Scandinavian Fest: Virtual Holiday Market returns Friday, December 1, and Saturday, December 2, on Facebook. Scandinavian Fest brings Nordic shops and businesses from around the globe together in one online location. Join the Virtual Holiday Market to discover unique Nordic products, take advantage of discounts, and win giveaways. To participate, mark that you are “Going” or “Interested” in the event and then follow the Discussion tab on the event page for products, discounts and giveaways and shop Nordic by visiting or contacting the businesses. For more information, visit their website.

Needle Felting with Laura Berlage: Nisse Family (Two Fridays, December 1 and 8, 2:00-5:00 p.m. CT)

Needle felting is fun! Learn to transform hand-dyed wool from the instructor’s flock of sheep into your very own adorable family of nisse. Laura will take you step-by-step through the process via Zoom. No previous experience is necessary. Experience the magic of needle felting or learn some new tips to add to your growing skillset. Enrollment Deadline: November 17


A Swedish Meatball Dinner with Kristi Bissell (Thursday, Dec. 7, 1:00 p.m. CT)

A Swedish meatball dinner ticks every box for a winter meal: cozy and comforting, balanced and delicious! Join Kristi Bissell of the True North Kitchen blog for an afternoon demonstration of her dream meatball dinner menu – Swedish meatballs with a creamy gravy and lingonberries, an elegant celery root puree, and essential pickled cucumbers. Plus, learn the secrets of Kristi’s truly satisfying vegetarian meatball recipe, too! Whether you tackle the whole menu at once, or pull just a few of the recipes straight to your Christmas smörgåsbord, these are classic, fail safe recipes that will impress your loved ones this holiday season.

Wet Felted Soaps (Sunday, Dec. 10, 1:00 p.m. CT)

From your own kitchen, tackle a simple wet felting project by covering a bar of soap with a colorful layer of felt. These “felted” soaps are perfect for traveling or keeping next to the tub, as they work as a washcloth and soap all in one. Plus, they’re a great starter project for learning the basics of wet felting! And (hint, hint) these are the perfect easy stocking stuffer! Suitable for ages 16+.

Felted Folk Ornaments (Thursday, Dec. 14, 6:30 p.m. CT)

Create a festive, quick decoration with needle felting this season! This fun project makes use of cookie cutters you may already have at home, or walks you through using cardstock to create a needle felting form to work in, to make a felted ornament with clean lines, even shape, and adorable details. Students will receive a kit with materials to make two average cookie cutter sized ornaments. These are the perfect last minute gift to decorate a present or tree!

Needle Felted Gnome with Laura Berlage (Friday, Dec. 15, 2:00 p.m. CT)

Create a jolly felted gnome ready to bring home some holiday joy in this afternoon-long class. Students will follow step-by-step instructions to transform hand dyed wool from instructor Laura Berlage’s own sheep into a felted festive gnome (known in Sweden as a tomte, or in Norway as a nisse) complete with long cap and beard! Students will get tips for shaping a cheerful face as well as hear stories from Laura’s farm and discuss gnomes in Scandinavian culture and beyond. Suitable for all skill levels, ages 14+.

Which events or experiences look interesting to you?

What I’ve Been Reading Lately (September 2023)

In September, my main focus was nonfiction, but I threw in some fun fiction genres outside my comfort zone as well. Last year, I was introduced to a new reading challenge, #sakprosaseptember, a nonfiction reading challenge hosted by Norwegian bookstagrammer readygoread during the month of September  (“sakprosa” means nonfiction in Norwegian). I didn’t used to read a lot of nonfiction, but in the last couple of years, I’ve noticed I’ve been drawn to it more and more and welcome the opportunity to read more of it. So once again I participated in #sakprosaseptember (running through October 15) with its various nonfiction reading prompts. Continue reading

October 2023: Virtual Nordic Events

Hope you’re enjoying fall wherever you may be. The special Nordic events that have been happening around the country this past summer are coming to an end soon. However, there’s still a chance to experience Edvard Munch in Massachusetts, Sámi Dreams in Iowa, and Icelandic book arts and textiles in Oregon.

I highly recommend the Edvard Munch: Trembling Earth exhibit in Williamstown, MA, if you or any friends or family are anywhere nearby (last day October 15). Munch has a large body of work and might be best known for depicting emotions in figures, but my favorite paintings are his landscapes so this exhibit was right up my alley and didn’t disappoint at all. I was very impressed with how the exhibit was curated. “The exhibition is organized thematically to show how Munch used nature to convey human emotions and relationships, celebrate farming practice and garden cultivation, and explore the mysteries of the forest even as his Norwegian homeland faced industrialization.” I saw favorites presented in a new light and was introduced to new ones from private collections.

If you miss this exhibit, you can catch it November 18–April 1 in Potsdam, Germany; and April 27–August 24, 2024, in Oslo at Munchmuseet. Or consider buying the book/catalog, Edvard Munch: Trembling Earth (pictured above), that accompanies the exhibit.

Selections for Online Nordic Books Clubs, October 2023

Online book clubs continue to meet. Visit Nordic Book Club Meetings: October 2023 to see details about book selections and meeting dates.

Are you a Nordic film enthusiast in the Los Angeles area? AFI Film Fest 2023 (October 25-29 in Hollywood) will screen films from around the world, including Best International Feature Film submissions for the upcoming Academy Awards from Denmark and Finland. On October 26, you can see Finland’s Fallen Leaves (Kuolleet Lehdet), and on October 28, you can see Denmark’s The Promised Land (Bastarden) which will be followed by a conversation with director Nikolaj Arcel and actor Mads Mikkelsen.

And finally, Southern California readers, mark your calendars for the Norwegian Church’s annual Christmas Fair which is taking place Friday, November 10, through Sunday, November 19, in San Pedro. You will experience a Christmas atmosphere like no other with Christmas gifts for young and old, a bakery with Norwegian Christmas baked goods, a cafe with delicious food, and in addition, there will be raffles with great prizes. On the weekends, sandwiches and Norwegian hot food will be served.

What’s on your calendar for October?

Vesterheim Museum’s Benefit Auction (Oct. 7-15)

Vesterheim’s Benefit Auction is open for bidding. Proceeds from the auction benefit the Vesterheim Annual Fund in support of Vesterheim’s Folk Art School. This year, the auction includes 78 items of one-of-a-kind folk-art by artists working in the Norwegian tradition. There are also incredible getaways offered – an 8-day European River Cruise for two in 2024 from Viking and a stunning stay in Colorado.

Concert by Gangspil (Oct. 11, 7:00 p.m. CT, Free)

Join Vesterheim for the first live streamed event in the Vesterheim Commons. Danish folk duo Gangspil will take you on an entertaining and varied journey through the traditions of Danish folk music. These lively musicians perform old dance tunes and songs from every corner of their Scandinavian home country. Performing live from the newly completed Vesterheim Commons, this performance will be live-streamed and allow you to join the music-making happening in Decorah!

Cooking Class with Sunny Gandara: Spud-tacular Potatoes (Saturday, Oct. 14, 1:00 p.m. ET)

Potatoes are the lifeline of Norwegian cuisine, and many Norwegians can’t imagine what a meal would be like without them. In this class with Sunny of Arctic Grub, you’ll learn four Norwegian classic potato dishes employing four different cooking methods: Hasselback poteter (a crispy baked potato sliced into fan-shape like slices, drizzled with garlic butter and fresh herbs), purre-og potetsuppe (a creamy leek and potato soup, a classic in Norwegian cuisine and completely dairy-free), fløtegratinerte poteter (sliced potatoes baked in cream and cheese a la potatoes au gratin), and potetpannekaker (fluffy potato pancakes served with cardamom-scented sour cream and a blueberry coulis). From appetizers to dessert – this class has it all!

Handcraft at Home: Carving a Snowman (Enrollment deadline Oct. 15)

Beginning November 1 and available all month, this beginner wood carving class will allow you to create your own snowman character inspired by Olaf from Disney’s Frozen, right down to the carrot nose and stick arms. Folk Artist and Youth Educator Steph Hughes will guide and show you how to carve a wooden snowman through a warm video demonstration. The best thing about this class is that you can watch the video and open your kit materials to explore carving whenever it is most convenient for you. Enrollment Deadline: October 15, 2023

Cooking Class: Flygande Jakob and Apple Dessert (Monday, Oct. 16, 4:00 p.m. CT)

Join the Swedish American Museum for a cooking class where you will learn how to make Flygande Jakob, a Swedish chicken casserole, and an apple dessert. You will receive the recipes in advance. You can then either cook alongside or watch and try later. It is an interactive Zoom so you will be able to ask questions.

Nordic Appetizers for Autumn and Winter (Thursday, Oct. 19, 5:00 p.m. CT)

Join Vesterheim and Patrice Johnson as they celebrate the flavors of the season with an evening of Nordic appetizers. Create fun Nordic bites like salt-brined cucumbers topped with creme fraiche and honey, lingonberry-brie bites, salmon spring rolls, and other delicious appetizers. Recipes for a signature cocktail and non-alcoholic beverage will also be included. Enrollment Deadline: October 05, 2023 (still available as of publishing date)

Introduction to Joik (Saturday, Oct. 21, OR Sunday, Oct. 22, 3:00 p.m. CT)

What is a joik? What does it feel like to joik? The joik is the traditional form of Sámi song, and has its own musical rules and a very special connection to nature and all living beings. In this class with instructor Ailloš and facilitator Elisabeth Berg, you will learn about this traditional way of singing and learn a couple of joik-melodies yourself. Offered two days. Enrollment Deadline: October 12, 2023 (still available as of publishing date)

Genealogy Session with Swedish American Museum (Saturday, Oct. 28, 10:00 a.m. CT)

Dr. Joy Lintelman is a U.S. social historian specializing in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, with special interests in Swedish American immigration, food history, local history and public history. She serves as a full professor at Concordia. In addition to a number of journal articles and book chapters published over the past three decades, her book, I Go to America: Swedish American Women and the Life of Mina Anderson was released in 2009 by the Minnesota Historical Society Press. Her current research examines the urban experiences of Swedish Americans, focusing on a historic neighborhood in Minneapolis, Minnesota called East Side Flats.

Telemark-Style Rosemaling Welcome Sign (Oct. 28 & Oct. 29)

Welcome! (Or should we say Velkommen?) Come try your hand at the Telemark style of rosemaling and make a welcome sign to greet visitors to your home! The class, instructed by Lise Lorentzen, includes demonstration and plenty of hands-on practice. You will have the opportunity to choose between making a sign reading “Welcome” in English or the Norwegian “Velkommen.” This class is designed for beginning painters with previous experience, as well as more advanced painters and will be taught using acrylic paints. A complete kit of materials shipped to your home (a $60 value) containing paints, brushes, woodenware, and more is included in the cost of registration. Enrollment Deadline: October 14, 2023

Scandinavian Figure Carving: Tomte (Wednesdays, Nov. 1, 8, & 15)

Interested in carving a “Scandi Classic” to help spruce up your home for the holidays? Join carver Charles Banks as together you carve a tomte, the Swedish cousin to Norway’s beloved nisse that is often associated with the winter solstice and Christmas! Students will experience the history, traditions, and steps involved in the creation of this folk art classic. Emphasis will be placed on the introduction and skillful use of traditional cuts, stylized shapes, and painting techniques to bring your tomte to life. The face design will allow for explorations of your own skill for other faces in the future. Your registration fee includes a complete kit of materials shipped to your home. Enrollment Deadline: October 18, 2023 (Currently sold out but you can be added to the waitlist.)

Which events or experiences look interesting to you?

 What I’ve Been Reading Lately & #WITmonth (August 2023)

Another big reading month for me in which the summer book bingo happening at work continued to be the prime motivating factor. Needless to say, I’ve got some catching up to do this fall for other reading challenges!

August was Women in Translation Month. I was able to read two books by women in translation, but they were not ones on my initial TBR list. I had pulled out a stack of three Scandinavian books – a Norwegian one, a Swedish one, and a Danish one – but none of them were the ones I ended up reading. I did begin the Norwegian one but had to set it aside because it wasn’t working for me at the time. Instead I picked up a collection of short stories by an Argentinian author which hit the spot. And then I moved on to a different Norwegian author with a book that unexpectedly met a prompt for my 2023 Nordic Literature Reading Challenge. Both of those were great reads, and I look forward to revisiting the original stack this fall. Continue reading

September 2023: Nordic Events (Virtual & SoCal In-Person)

Welcome, Fall! Even though it’s not officially fall yet, it still feels like that since students are returning to school. I wonder if any of you had the chance to enjoy any virtual programming over the summer or visit any of the special Nordic events happening around the country (some of which are still going on!).

Southern Californians, have you marked your calendars with the family friendly Vista Viking Festival happening this month? California’s premiere Viking festival and Norse heritage event takes place September 16 and 17 just north of San Diego. Visitors can mingle with Vikings and the Norse Gods at the living history Viking Village, play and do crafts in the Kids Village, splurge on Nordic goods at the marketplace, learn all things Norwegian with cultural demonstrations in the Heritage Hall, indulge in festive foods and drinks, enjoy live music and battle demonstrations, and even try your hand at axe throwing and hone your Viking skills in various competitions.

New this year, there will be an exclusive tasting event with Viking Spirits. Viking Spirits will be offering two flights of selected products, either 4 spirits or 4 wines. Each of the four daily seatings is limited to 25 participants so get your tickets now. These tickets are in addition to the Vista Viking Festival tickets.

For ticket and parking information to Vista Viking Festival, please visit Tickets and Parking. Save 10% with early bird pricing which ends September 7. Buy tickets here.

Also happening this month is the Norwegian Church’s fundraiser Shrimp Party and Pier Dance on Saturday, September 16, in San Pedro. The Church will serve a 3-course meal along with drinks, and there will be live entertainment and good times, all in support of the Norwegian Church ($100 fee). If interested, reach out quickly as there are limited spots available.

Interested in joining other readers to discuss Nordic books or just want some book suggestions? Visit Online Nordic Book Club Meetings for details on reading selections and meeting dates for September.

What’s on your calendar for September?


Intro to Swedish with Jean Hanslin (Thursday, Sept. 7, 6:00 p.m. CT)

Are you curious about the Swedish language, but not ready yet to commit to a multi-date class? Are you looking for a quick and low-pressure way to get excited and prepare for an upcoming visit to Sweden? This two-hour introductory workshop taught by Jean Hanslin is the perfect way to get a feel for Swedish, pick up a bit of grammar, and learn how to pronounce some words as part of basic conversation.

Nordic Spirit Classics’ Second Friday Series—Sven Hedin: Great Explorer, Feckless Adventurer, or Self-Promoting Foreign Devil on the Silk Road? (Friday, Sept. 8, 7:30 p.m. PT, Free)

Join the Scandinavian American Cultural & Historical Foundation for a Second Friday presentation from the past Nordic Spirit Symposium, “The Nordic Explorers: From Polar Frontiers to the Silk Road”. Professor Emeritus Daniel C. Waugh, Dept. of History, University of Washington, Seattle, shared about Swedish explorer Sven Hedin and his exploits on the Silk Road. Participation is free, but you must be registered to receive the link.

Intro to Finnish with Joona Sundström (Sunday, Sept. 10, 12:45 p.m. CT)

Are you curious about the Finnish language, but not ready yet to commit to a multi-date class? Are you looking for a quick and low-pressure way to get excited and prepare for an upcoming visit to Finland? This two-hour introductory workshop taught by Joona Sundström is the perfect way to get a feel for Finnish, pick up a bit of grammar, and learn how to pronounce some words as part of basic conversation.

Virtual Arctic Watercolor Class with Willow Heath (Tuesday, Sept. 12, 6:00 p.m. PT)

Celebrate the Arctic landscape with a watercolor project led by Willow Heath. Willow will give step-by-step instructions on creating your own masterpiece, inspired by the landscape of the Arctic Circle. See class description for required materials.

Webinar: Knitting Nordic Heroes (Saturday, Sept. 16, 1:00 p.m. CT, Free)

From Merit Emstad who designed the first Selbu mitten to emigrants from the Nordic countries, knitters made an economic impact. These women helped give a sense of national pride, they hired women who at the time could not work out of the home, they set standards for the way we read knitting patterns, and they helped restore their economies. This talk with Steph Anderson will bring light to these heroes, some of whom are famous and some who had to fight to get credit for their work. Registration required for this free event.

Painting with Wool – Rosemaling (Sundays, Sept. 17 & 24, 1:00-3:00 p.m. CT)

Try out needle felting to create a unique wool “painting” in the style of Scandinavian folk art! Students will explore the magic of needle felting to recreate a motif inspired by rosemaled designs on a flat felt base. To begin, students will learn how to stretch a felt backing onto an embroidery hoop, then use needle felting techniques to transform a beautiful array of hand-dyed roving from the instructor Laura Berlage’s own sheep. Kits ($33 value) are included in the class fee. Each kit includes felt backing, wool, and needles.

Dr. Jenni Haukio and Eliza Reid – the First Ladies of Finland and Iceland – with Neil Gaiman (Wednesday, Sept. 20, 6:00 p.m. ET, Free)

Dr. Jenni Haukio and Eliza Reid, the First Ladies of Finland and Iceland, engage in a talk with bestselling author Neil Gaiman exploring the globally captivating traditions and themes of Nordic literature, rooted in a rich cultural heritage. Notable authors in their own right, Dr. Jenni Haukio and Ms. Eliza Reid have published a number of titles in the past years on a variety of themes, including their multifaceted roles as First Ladies of their respective countries. In this conversation with fellow author and master storyteller Neil Gaiman, Dr. Haukio and Ms. Reid reflect on how literary storytelling has historically shaped the national identities of the two Nordic countries and continues to work as an essential tool in amplifying equality and democracy in contemporary societies. A livestream of the event will be available on this NYPL event page. To receive an email reminder shortly in advance of the event, please be sure to register.

ASI Demo: Baking Norwegian Skoleboller with Kristi Bissell (Thursday, Sept. 21, 1:00-2:00 p.m. CT)

Get ready for the new school year with a favorite Norwegian baked good, the skolebolle, or Norwegian School Bun! Of course, this vanilla custard flavored bun is a treat for all ages. Kristi Bissell will walk students through the cardamom flavored yeasted dough, the vanilla custard, and the rising and baking process. This lovely bake is sure to be a fall favorite for young and old alike, and students will be ready to tackle the recipe at home after this demo! This class is designed as a demonstration, so students can watch the entire process and ask questions before tackling the recipe at home at a later date.

Intro to North Sámi (Sunday, Sept. 24, 2:00-4:00 p.m. CT)

Are you curious about the Sámi language and culture? Are you looking for a quick and low-pressure way to get excited and prepare for an upcoming visit to the north of Finland, Sweden, or Norway? This two-hour introductory workshop taught by Áila O’Loughlin is the perfect way to learn some history of the nine living dialects of Sápmi, get a feel for North Sámi, pick up a bit of grammar and learn how to pronounce some words as part of basic greetings. Families welcome!

Webinar: Kayaking the Lofoten Islands: Norway’s Craggy Crown Jewels (Wednesday, Sept. 27, 7:00-8:00 p.m. CT, Free)

The Lofoten Islands are a surreal seascape of soaring, snow-speckled peaks rising steeply from deep fjords, white sand beaches, and aquamarine bays. Amidst this natural splendor are historic fishing villages, small cities, and picturesque farms – all bathed in 24-hour daylight during summer months and forever changing in the moody weather of the islands’ arctic location. It’s a kayaker’s dream destination. Dan York, a lifetime paddler and traveler, will share images and stories from two kayaking expeditions he has led to these magical islands, the first in 2017 and the second in 2023. Registration required for this free event.

Rosemaling in the Os Style: Scrolled Box (Sept. 28-Oct. 1, 1:00-4:00 p.m. CT)

In this 4-day class, students will be painting a modern version of Os boxes, which can be used for all sorts of treasures. The Os style of rosemaling developed in the west coast of Norway about 1875. Annanias Tweit perfected this style and created a workshop at his farm where he and his apprentices painted tiner, sending baskets, trays, chairs, ale bowls, and delightful small boxes in the bright Os Style. They were sold in the Husflidens of Bergen and even now you can find small antique boxes from that period. A complete kit of supplies shipped to your home (a $105 value) containing paints, brushes, the wooden box, and sandpaper is included in the cost of enrollment. Enrollment Deadline: September 14, 2023


(Enrollment deadlines are in September; spots still available as of publication date.)

Scandinavian Loom Beading: Green Bookmark, Level 1 (Four Fridays, Oct. 6-27, 2:00-4:00 p.m. CT)

Explore the beauty and fun of beading on a loom in the Scandinavian tradition! Inspired by designs from Nordic bandweaving, this class will take you from start to finish for making your own sparkly beaded bookmark. Learn about the historic use of loom beading and how a remarkably simple process can transform seed beads into delightful designs. The class kit includes a handmade loom designed by the instructor and enough beads, silk thread, needles, and patterns to make two projects, if you wish. Enrollment Deadline: September 22, 2023

Webinar: Exploring the Art of Sámi Joik (Saturday, Oct. 7, 3:00 p.m. CT, Free)

Iŋgor Ántte Áilu Gaup (artist name: Ailloš) grew up in a reindeer-herding family on the Norwegian side of Sápmi, a region that stretches over Norway, Sweden, Finland, and the Kola Peninsula, traditionally the home of the indigenous Sámi population. Ailloš and joiking are inseparable. He has been joiking as long as he can remember, and it has become key to his work as composer, actor, and teacher. The joik is the traditional form of Sámi song. It has its own musical rules and a very special connection to nature and all living beings. Join Vesterheim to hear Ailloš tell about his life in the far North and hear him joik.

Sparkly Pewter Thread Pendant (Wednesday, Oct. 11, 6:00 p.m. CT)

Are you ready for a new twist on tradition? Using pewter wire thread and a macramé style weave, you will create a beautiful pendant with a silver drop. Kit materials will provide you the option to create either a round or V-shaped pendant suspended from enough leather cord to accommodate your preferred necklace length, or you can use a chain of your own! No previous experience is necessary, but a willingness to use hand tools is required. Enrollment Deadline: September 27, 2023

Høstlige Frukt: Divine Flavors of Fall Cocktail Class (Friday, Oct. 13, 7:00 p.m. CT)

Join Malina Bickford, National Brand Director for Sweden’s Åhus Akvavit, for a delightful fall cocktail class to celebrate the rich bounty of autumnal fruits and flavors! From juicy apples to luscious figs, you’ll discover how to transform these seasonal treasures into captivating creations. Bring your favorite aquavit! Malina Bickford will discuss Nordic folklore associated with the autumnal ingredients and guide you through creating two fruit-forward, crowd pleasing cocktails plus a spirit-free “mocktail.” Enrollment Deadline: September 29, 2023

Nordic Appetizers for Autumn and Winter (Thursday, Oct. 19, 5:00 p.m. CT)

Join Vesterheim and Patrice Johnson as they celebrate the flavors of the season with an evening of Nordic appetizers. Create fun Nordic bites like salt-brined cucumbers topped with creme fraiche and honey, lingonberry-brie bites, salmon spring rolls, and other delicious appetizers. Recipes for a signature cocktail and non-alcoholic beverage will also be included. Enrollment Deadline: October 05, 2023

Handcraft at Home: Carving a Snowman (Begins November 1, available all month)

This beginner woodcarving class will allow you to create your own snowman character inspired by Olaf from Disney’s Frozen, right down to the carrot nose and stick arms. Folk Artist and Youth Educator Steph Hughes will guide and show you how to carve a wooden snowman through a warm video demonstration. The best thing about this class is that you can watch the video and open your kit materials to explore carving whenever it is most convenient for you. Enrollment Deadline: October 15, 2023

Which events or experiences look interesting to you?

Be sure to visit previous months’ listings of virtual Nordic events. Many of the events are now available to view as saved recordings.

What I’ve Been Reading Lately (July 2023)

July was vacation month for me with lots of air travel to, from, and within Europe and down time to read. As I always do when traveling, I try to read a book that takes place where I’m going. It provides insight that I would otherwise not get and sometimes I feel like I get to know some locals while I’m at it. Continue reading

What I’ve Been Reading Lately (June 2023)

My summer reading is off to an exciting start! Besides longer days and vacation plans, there is a summer book bingo reading challenge happening at work. We are an avid group of readers, not surprising considering I work at an elementary school, so lots of discussions and sharing around that.

The book bingo challenge has 25 prompts. My hope is to complete the whole board, but most likely I won’t read unique books for each prompt. I’m trying to find books that will check off prompts for other reading challenges as well. So far my reads have all been so different from each other and what I’ve recently read which is refreshing. Continue reading

What I’ve Been Reading Lately (May 2023)

Last month was a very mixed month of reading on a variety of fronts — genres, settings, and enjoyment. Luckily, I enjoyed the second in a series as much as the first; but unfortunately, I had to quit a multiple award winning book. Continue reading