What I’ve Been Reading Lately (June 2024)

Welcome to another round of “What I’ve Been Reading Lately”. My summer reading is off to a very satisfying start. A highlight of summers at home is returning home from work in time to sit outside reading in the afternoon sun.

I am primarily focused on our summer reading challenge at work. My plan is to complete all 25 prompts, but I’ll be double- (and maybe even triple-) dipping in order to do so. I’m trying to find books that check off prompts for my other reading challenges as well but not with as much success as I was hoping. I am, however, reading many unread Book of the Month selections that have accumulated over time which is very gratifying.

On the horizon is a trip to Norway to spend time with family. I look forward to long plane rides and long days with lots of downtime (rainy days inside or sunny days outside, it doesn’t matter) to get in long stretches of reading. I also eagerly await the opportunity to browse Norwegian bookstores and add to my collection of Norwegian language books.

How’s your summer reading going? 

Take What You Can Carry by Gian Sardar (2021) 🎧
Narrated by Vaneh Assadourian

This book takes place in 1979 and is about a Los Angeles woman who joins her boyfriend on a trip to his hometown in the Kurdistan region of Iraq for a family wedding. She’s an aspiring photographer and thinks this trip will provide the perfect opportunity to take the shot that will take her from lowly secretary to respected photojournalist. Also, she wishes to learn about her boyfriend’s childhood to understand him better. However, going to this war torn area of the world is not what she expected. There are certainly beautiful sights and touching experiences, but also frightening and tragic moments. The story is gripping and emotional. I loved learning more about the Kurdish culture and their struggles. The glimpse of Los Angeles in 1979 was also interesting.  ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

The Rabbit Factor (Rabbit Factor Trilogy #1) by Antti Tuomainen (2020)
Translated from the Finnish by David Hackston (2021) 📖

This is the first in a trilogy about insurance mathematician, Henri, who lives life based on careful calculations. However, his life is thrown off balance when he suddenly has no job and, at the same time after the death of his brother, finds himself the owner of an adventure park in dire financial troubles and with a great debt to criminals. It was a quirky and somewhat absurd crime fiction. The staff at the park were a motley crew, and Henri found himself in some odd situations. This Finnish author has been on my radar for a while, and learning that Steve Carell has signed to play the main character in an adaptation was intriguing (though no new news in the last couple of years). I can certainly see him playing it! I enjoyed it enough but won’t be reading book #2 anytime soon. Maybe another one by this author instead. ⭐️⭐️⭐️

Hello Beautiful by Ann Napolitano (2023) 🎧📖
Narrated by Maura Tierney

This was a good one. I got totally wrapped up in this family saga about four inseparable sisters — the ambitious Julia, Sylvie the reader and dreamer, the free spirited artist Cecilia, and Emeline caring for them all — and William, the broken man who became a part of their close knit family. There was joy and trauma, love and heartache, a very moving story. And the structure was interesting. Chapters alternated between perspectives of them all (in the third person) but time would overlap a bit so the reader experienced the same event from more than one perspective. Highly recommend. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

  • Summer Reading Challenge: A book from a celebrity book club (Oprah)
  • Read My Own Shelf: Unread BOTM selection

Just for the Summer (Part of Your World, #3) by Abby Jimenez (2024)
Narrated by Christine Lakin and Zachary Webber

I listened to Yours Truly not long ago and loved it (Reading Lately, April 2024) so I knew I wanted to read this one. However, I was concerned it might not live up to expectations. I need not have worried (though I was a little thrown off at first by the same male narrator for a different character but I got over it). I loved the world of these characters and now want to go back to #1. This is the story of Emma and Justin, both with major parental issues which complicated their plan for a summer fling to break a curse of their exes always ending up with their soulmates. It had humor, heart, and substance.  ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

  • Summer Reading Challenge: Takes place during the summer
  • Read My Own Shelf: Unread BOTM selection

What have you been reading lately?

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What I’ve Been Reading Lately (May 2024) & Summer Reading Plans

Welcome to another edition of “What I’ve Been Reading Lately” where I join other readers through Modern Mrs Darcy’s monthly QuickLit posts in sharing what we’ve been reading lately.

Summer is here and with that, an additional reading challenge for me. At the elementary school where I work, we once again have a summer book bingo reading challenge with 25 prompts. My plan is to complete the whole board, but I’ll be double- (and occasionally triple-) dipping in order to do so. I’ll be reading books that check off prompts for other reading challenges as well. It will be a wonderful summerlong puzzle as I find books to meet prompts across all my ongoing reading challenges! Continue reading

What I’ve Been Reading Lately (April 2024)

Welcome to another round of “What I’ve Been Reading Lately” when I join other readers through Modern Mrs Darcy’s monthly QuickLit posts in sharing what we’ve been reading lately.

I love when an unanticipated common thread appears between reads. Sometimes it’s obvious very quickly; other times the common thread is more obscure. This month it was between two very different crime fiction reads, one I read for my Nordic Literature Reading Challenge and the other in anticipation of an author event at the LA Times Festival of Books last month. Continue reading

What I’ve Been Reading Lately (March 2024) & Nordic Literature Reading Challenge News 

Welcome to another round of “What I’ve Been Reading Lately.” This past month I traveled all over the world — Maine, Uruguay, Vietnam, and Panama — and two of the books were even very new releases from 2024 which is unlike me. Continue reading

What I’ve Been Reading Lately (February 2024)

Welcome to another round of “What I’ve Been Reading Lately.” I normally try to get this out mid-month, but I needed a couple of more days to wrap it up this time. I continue to move forward without a 2024 iteration of my yearly Scandinavian/Nordic reading challenge, but I aim to have something in place by the end of March.

In the meantime, I’m motivated by challenges I’ve already committed to, in particular the #DiversityAcrossGenres reading challenge, and reading off my own shelf which certainly includes Scandinavian books. Continue reading

What I’ve Been Reading Lately & Reading Goals (January 2024)

It’s a new year with new beginnings, and it’s been a fun, strong start! I’ve set some reading goals and recommitted myself to reading challenges. I continue to join Modern Mrs Darcy’s Quick Lit where I join other readers in sharing what we’ve been reading lately.

A highlight of 2023 was the diversity of books I read both in regards to author perspective and genre, so in 2024, I am once again participating in the #DiversityAcrossGenres reading challenge. This year I am tweaking the genres a little. I’ll be reading General Fiction (a catch-all for all fiction that may otherwise not be included in the challenge), Romance, Mystery/Thriller (instead of Thriller/Horror), Historical Fiction (instead of Sci-fi/Fantasy), and Nonfiction.

I am also traveling around the world again using the The Book GirlsBook Voyage: Read Around the World reading challenge as a framework. Their intent with the reading challenge is to travel from region to region together, but I will be jumping around as desired. My goal is to read more books set in countries I have not visited yet.

As for my Scandinavian/Nordic reading challenge, I am still thinking about the best way to proceed in 2024. When possible, I will certainly be reading Nordic books for the other challenges I am participating in, but I do want to plan a specific reading challenge as well to keep me focused throughout the year.

And finally, always a reading goal but really this year, is reading my own book shelf, especially unread Book of the Month selections. I’ve paused my membership until I’ve made greater process on that goal. I love exploring the new books every month, but I don’t normally get around to reading my selections in a timely manner. Once I clear some space on my unread shelf, I’ll start up again. Continue reading

What I’ve Been Reading Lately & Reading Challenges Update (December 2023)

The 2023 reading year was a good one, so many different reading experiences. I didn’t quite check off all my goals as planned, but new and exciting reading opportunities came up along the way. Continue reading

What I’ve Been Reading Lately (November 2023)

This past month, the quantity of books was lower than I had hoped (I try to aim for at least 4 books a month) but the quality of the reading experiences certainly exceeded expectations. They were all extremely enjoyable books. Continue reading

 What I’ve Been Reading Lately (October 2023)

This was such an interesting diverse reading month for me which feels so satisfying. Of the four books I read, they were all different genres (autobiographical novel, crime thriller/supernatural horror, short story collection, and memoir). Two of them were books in translation (from France and Argentina) and the other two by voices that I don’t read very frequently (Indigenous and Muslim). This is all thanks to the #DiversityAcrossGenres reading challenge that pushes me to read diverse genres and perspectives. Sadly, it’s to the detriment of my personal Nordic Literature Reading Challenge which I will have to revisit and revise for next year. Continue reading

What I’ve Been Reading Lately (September 2023)

In September, my main focus was nonfiction, but I threw in some fun fiction genres outside my comfort zone as well. Last year, I was introduced to a new reading challenge, #sakprosaseptember, a nonfiction reading challenge hosted by Norwegian bookstagrammer readygoread during the month of September  (“sakprosa” means nonfiction in Norwegian). I didn’t used to read a lot of nonfiction, but in the last couple of years, I’ve noticed I’ve been drawn to it more and more and welcome the opportunity to read more of it. So once again I participated in #sakprosaseptember (running through October 15) with its various nonfiction reading prompts. Continue reading