My 2020 Reading Intentions & Introducing the 2020 #ScandiReadingChallenge

Last year I was a bit overwhelmed trying to complete three reading challenges while also reading books for book clubs and books just because I felt like it. It didn’t help that I started a full-time job in the fall and found myself with less reading time/energy. I also have so many unread books on my physical and digital bookshelves that I really want to read, in particular Norwegian books that I’ve received as gifts. Therefore, this year my reading intentions are as follows:

  1. Keep up with my Scandinavian reading with another self-made Scandinavian reading challenge
  2. Participate in Modern Mrs. Darcy’s 2020 Reading Challenge
  3. Read off my shelf which includes making progress on my Book of the Month selections that I haven’t read yet (#unreadBOTMchallenge)
  4. Read books recommended by friends and work colleagues so we can discuss in real life
  5. Read books just because I feel like it

Last year I was a serious and dedicated participant in the Reading Women Challenge. Working to complete that challenge’s 26 very specific prompts was an interesting and rewarding task (see my completed reads here). However, it was also very time-consuming. If books I read this year happen to fulfill categories for the 2020 Reading Women Challenge, great! Or if I need inspiration, I’ll certainly refer to it. But I won’t sacrifice the above intentions to complete that challenge this year.

With that, I’d like to introduce the 2020 Scandinavian Reading Challenge. It is based on feedback I’ve received from last year’s participants and my own desires for the year.

I hope you’ll consider participating! You do not need to commit to completing all the prompts. My hope is just that you’ll consider Scandinavian/Nordic books for your reading and that we can share reading ideas and thoughts on what we’ve read throughout the year.

For more details and a printable PDF to record your reading, visit 2020 Scandinavian Reading Challenge.

What prompt looks most interesting to you?

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