Here you will find online meeting dates and selections from Nordic book clubs across the country. Selections include children’s literature, contemporary fiction, historical fiction, crime fiction, memoirs, short stories, and nonfiction. Do you know of a Nordic-themed online book club that might be of interest to readers? Please share the details in the comments or via email.
JANUARY Selections
Scroll down for details on the meetings for these books.
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Vesterheim’s Bokprat
- January 5: The End of Drum-Time by Hanna Pylväinen (registration closed)
- February 12: Cabin in the Mountains by Robert Ferguson (book club details)
- March 19: The Night of the Scourge by Lars Mytting, translated from the Norwegian (book club details)
Scandinavia House’s Nordic Book Club
- January 14: Your Absence Is Darkness by Jón Kalman Stefánsson, translated from the Icelandic by Philip Roughton (book club details)
- February 11: I Talk about It All the Time by Camara Lundestad Joof, translated from the Norwegian by Olivia Noble Gunn (book club details)
Swedish American Museum
- January 25: Cold Victory by Karl Marlantes (book club details)
- February 22: The End of Drum-Time by Hanna Pylväinen (book club details)
Nordiska’s Book Club
- January 30: The Last Light Over Oslo by Alix Rickloff (book club details)
Swenson Swedish Immigration Research Center in Illinois
- Next meeting TBD